PinnedPublished inThe official pub for FACEIt’s time to change the world!We all have responsibility.Jul 2, 20223Jul 2, 20223
PinnedPublished inThe official pub for FACELet’s think globally!A point that seems to have been neglected by the Black writers and people of color.Feb 15, 20224Feb 15, 20224
PinnedPublished inThe official pub for FACEBlack Lives Matter all around the worldLet’s think globally!Feb 20, 20224Feb 20, 20224
PinnedPublished inThe official pub for FACEContribute!The official pub for FACE | Foundation of African Americans for Civic EmpowermentSep 7, 202142Sep 7, 202142
Published inThe official pub for FACEThe death of Queen Elizabeth II and remembering the bitter era of the British empire’s violent…Black people have suffered the most from colonialism in the worldSep 14, 20221Sep 14, 20221
Published inThe official pub for FACEThe most important thing is to be the voice of Black peopleIt does not matter where we are, it does not matter where we write, it does not matter what our position is, it does not matter who we are!Apr 5, 20223Apr 5, 20223
Black lives matter all around the world!My way is different, Black lives matter all around the world!Mar 12, 2022Mar 12, 2022
We must be the voice of those African students who’re facing discrimination as they try to leave…Let’s think globally, Black Lives Matter all around the world!Mar 3, 20225Mar 3, 20225
Published inThe official pub for FACEFoundation of African Americans for Civic EmpowermentThe official pub for FACEJan 30, 20221Jan 30, 20221
Published inThe official pub for FACEDaunte Wright, Racism, and America.Racism is ingrained in this land!Dec 26, 20214Dec 26, 20214