In solidarity with Palestine

martin William
2 min readMay 18, 2021

We’re all with you Palestine!

Same planet, different destinies!

“I have to say, it’s been a hard week for me and my family; we haven’t been getting as much sleep and our day hours have been full of anxiety and stress. But, it’s not even close to what our friends and extended family are experiencing in Gaza these days. They tell us “it’s so dangerous, the next house to be flattened could be ours” and “we’re trying to calm the kids down, but even the adults are so frightened, with military-grade F16/F35 warplanes circling Gaza’s skies 24 hours a day”.’’ These were just some of the heartaches of a young Palestinian which I read in a note.

Just as one sample, an Israeli airstrike early on Sunday morning killed at least 17 members of the Kulak family after flattening two four-story buildings on Gaza’s Wehda Street. Israel said the casualties were “unintended.” But, you don’t get to murder 21 human beings from one family and then claim it was unintentional.

Another important point is that the US government is facilitating the colonization of Palestinian land and atrocities against the Palestinian people.

As the U.S. Representative, Rashida Tlaib, said: Too many are silent or dismissive as our US tax dollars continue to be used for this kind of inhumanity. This is apartheid, plain and simple.

I saw somebody saying the truth in a tweet: “Bibi created this crisis because he was days away from losing power. Everyone in Israel knows this. Bibi is committing war crimes. And President Biden is cheering him on.”

Biden and many other figures said Israel has the right to self-defense. But do Palestinians have a right to survive?

Israel even targeted and then destroyed the Al Jazeera office in Gaza. It bombed the building where Al Jazeera and Associated Press journalists worked, while attacking journalists and media organizations is illegal under international law.

By the way, one question: ‘’How can countries who manufacture and trade in these weapons square their conscience with such human devastation?!’’

